A covenant is a sacred promise man makes with God and in which God makes promises of Blessings. The difference between a promise between a man and a man, and a promise between man and God is that God sets the terms. He chooses what we promise him and he chooses what he promises us. Just like a good parent sets the terms for reward with a child, so does God set the terms for us.
Covenants are not there for God to control us for the sake of His own ego, God is not self-centered. God gives us covenants to safeguard us from what can really damage us. Covenants are the way by which we can return to live with Him.
How do we enter into a covenant with God? In order to make a covenant with God you must preform a sacred ordinance by one that holds authority from God. An ordinance is a symbolic act in which you make those covenants with God.
Why does one have to hold authority from God? Let us reflect on the way God organized the worship in the tabernacle during the times of Moses. There are twelve tribes of Israel. The tribe of Levi had the authority from God to preform all the sacrifical rites that symbolized the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This authority is called the Priesthood, the Authority to act in Gods name.
This authority is not taken upon men of their own accord. It says in Hebrews 5: 4 "And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron". Even when Jesus ordained his apostles he made it clear in John 15: 16 "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you".
To get into the Kingdom of Heaven we must all first believe in Jesus Christ. Have Faith in him and desire to follow him. When we desire to follow him we will repent of our sins, our breaking of God's commandments. Once we do that we will be willing are ready to be Baptized by someone with Authority from God, which is a sacred ordinance in which we make covenants to follow Jesus Christ and leave our old life of sin.
That is not all, we must the receive the Holy Ghost from one that has authority from God. The Holy Ghost is a gift from God that will guide us as we are righteous... Then we endure to the end of our life, continuing to grow.
God restored his Authority, his Priesthood, on the earth again. It was lost after the twelve apostles where killed and has been restored by the prophet Joseph Smith. Today Jesus Christ's true church is on the earth again. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints..
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Message brought to you from Down Under, posted by his sister...
My friend once wrote that "righteous men uphold their promises". Back in a time when the world was more civilized men use to make deals not with paper, but with a simple handshake. There was a sense of honor back then that does not exist today.
Far to often in our day people do not commit to anything, any Idea, or anyone. Instead of men giving their whole heart and means to the woman they cherish, and to God through Marriage, men will far to often leave a cowardly back door with which they can easily run away. This backdoor is found in partnerships. Animals have partners, we are not Animals, we are Sons and Daughters of God. These men and women in these relationships have no true loyalty, no true respect, and are filled with selfishness.
I feel like Nephi when he cried, "if my days could have been in those days, then would my soul, then would my soul have joy in the righteousness of my brethern" (Helaman 7:8). But like Nephi I do not like in days of honor and commitment. Still I can be like Nephi and be in the world, but not of the world. I will do my best to keep my promises and commitments.
I hope we can all be serious in our promises.
Love you all,
Elder Kelm.
My friend once wrote that "righteous men uphold their promises". Back in a time when the world was more civilized men use to make deals not with paper, but with a simple handshake. There was a sense of honor back then that does not exist today.
Far to often in our day people do not commit to anything, any Idea, or anyone. Instead of men giving their whole heart and means to the woman they cherish, and to God through Marriage, men will far to often leave a cowardly back door with which they can easily run away. This backdoor is found in partnerships. Animals have partners, we are not Animals, we are Sons and Daughters of God. These men and women in these relationships have no true loyalty, no true respect, and are filled with selfishness.
I feel like Nephi when he cried, "if my days could have been in those days, then would my soul, then would my soul have joy in the righteousness of my brethern" (Helaman 7:8). But like Nephi I do not like in days of honor and commitment. Still I can be like Nephi and be in the world, but not of the world. I will do my best to keep my promises and commitments.
I hope we can all be serious in our promises.
Love you all,
Elder Kelm.
Monday, November 23, 2009
What Gods Do
*emailed to Michael's sister from Australia to post online*
What Gods Do
Moses 1:39 “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”
What is God’s work and his glory?
His work is focused on allowing man to live forever with him. He wants to bring us from our low and fallen state to His high estate.
Now, after Jesus was crucified he dwelt among His sheep in Jerusalem. Then he left them to go and teach His sheep in the Americas (John 10:16). There is an account during that time that has always made me wonder. Jesus teaches the Nephites the manner they should pray and then commands them to pray. The people do so and are filled with the Holy Ghost. Then Jesus does the following in 3 Nephi 19: 19-21.
19 And it came to pass that Jesus departed out of the midst of them, and went a little way off from them and bowed himself to the earth, and he said:
20 Father, I thank thee that thou hast given the Holy Ghost unto these whom I have chosen; and it is because of their belief in me that I have chosen them out of the world.
21 Father, I pray thee that thou wilt give the Holy Ghost unto all them that shall believe in their words.
I am always touched by this account. I use to be confused as to why our Savior would have to bow down and pray to His Heavenly Father. I could understand why Jesus would pray before he was crucified, because he did not know everything, he was still learning about Himself and his mission. This is shown when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane. In Matthew 26: 39 he prays for the cup to be taken from him if it was God’s will. He did so, because he did not know the weight of our pains and sins till he actually did it.
What I’m trying to say is that I can see why he’d need to pray to God before completing the atonement, because he had not experience everything and needed the Father. But why would he need to pray after the Atonement was complete?
Moses 1:39 helped me understand what Gods do. By praying Jesus was giving glory to God. He was lifting God up even high. Jesus was also praying for the welfare of the people. He prayed for them to be uplifted to a point that they can receive the Holy Ghost.
What do Gods do? They lift up everyone around them higher and higher. They add joy and glory to others through their love.
What Gods Do
Moses 1:39 “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”
What is God’s work and his glory?
His work is focused on allowing man to live forever with him. He wants to bring us from our low and fallen state to His high estate.
Now, after Jesus was crucified he dwelt among His sheep in Jerusalem. Then he left them to go and teach His sheep in the Americas (John 10:16). There is an account during that time that has always made me wonder. Jesus teaches the Nephites the manner they should pray and then commands them to pray. The people do so and are filled with the Holy Ghost. Then Jesus does the following in 3 Nephi 19: 19-21.
19 And it came to pass that Jesus departed out of the midst of them, and went a little way off from them and bowed himself to the earth, and he said:
20 Father, I thank thee that thou hast given the Holy Ghost unto these whom I have chosen; and it is because of their belief in me that I have chosen them out of the world.
21 Father, I pray thee that thou wilt give the Holy Ghost unto all them that shall believe in their words.
I am always touched by this account. I use to be confused as to why our Savior would have to bow down and pray to His Heavenly Father. I could understand why Jesus would pray before he was crucified, because he did not know everything, he was still learning about Himself and his mission. This is shown when he was in the Garden of Gethsemane. In Matthew 26: 39 he prays for the cup to be taken from him if it was God’s will. He did so, because he did not know the weight of our pains and sins till he actually did it.
What I’m trying to say is that I can see why he’d need to pray to God before completing the atonement, because he had not experience everything and needed the Father. But why would he need to pray after the Atonement was complete?
Moses 1:39 helped me understand what Gods do. By praying Jesus was giving glory to God. He was lifting God up even high. Jesus was also praying for the welfare of the people. He prayed for them to be uplifted to a point that they can receive the Holy Ghost.
What do Gods do? They lift up everyone around them higher and higher. They add joy and glory to others through their love.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Take No Offense
Take No Offense
To be angry and unforgiving is selfishness. To have unconditional love and to forgive is selflessness.
For the life of me I cannot remember when my father told me that being angry is a choice. When somebody wrongs us in any way we have the selfish choice of being reactive and childish or the selfless choice of being proactive and mature. I know for myself that only the selfless choice brings me true joy. Being proactive strengthens my relationships with others and helps me see their deeper needs and fears.
I also know that being selfish only leaves me alone and unhappy. The childish pleasure of reacting does not last, because pleasure does not last, while the joy of growing in love towards others is eternal.
Choose not to be angry.
Who are we the children of? Romans 8: 16 reads, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” We are children of our Heavenly Father. You are a either literally a Son or Daughter of God. Now, often people understand that but ignore what this also means. This means that we are all literally brothers and sister! That man walking down the street is your brother, your brother! Love your siblings…
There are times your brothers and sisters will hurt you. They will do something as small as saying a thoughtless word to deliberately hurting you. Some way or another your brothers and sisters will wound you.
The prophet Nephi was always being mistreated by his older brothers Laman and Lamuel. At one point they had just tied Nephi up and by the power of God he broke the bands that bounded him. His older brothers then became sorrowful for their actions. They pleaded for forgiveness. I love what Nephi did in 1 Nephi 7:21, “And it came to pass that I did frankly forgive them all that they had done.”
I would hope we could all be like Nephi and frankly forgive our brothers and sisters like Nephi forgave his brothers. Forgive right away and choose not to be angry.
To be angry and unforgiving is selfishness. To have unconditional love and to forgive is selflessness.
For the life of me I cannot remember when my father told me that being angry is a choice. When somebody wrongs us in any way we have the selfish choice of being reactive and childish or the selfless choice of being proactive and mature. I know for myself that only the selfless choice brings me true joy. Being proactive strengthens my relationships with others and helps me see their deeper needs and fears.
I also know that being selfish only leaves me alone and unhappy. The childish pleasure of reacting does not last, because pleasure does not last, while the joy of growing in love towards others is eternal.
Choose not to be angry.
Who are we the children of? Romans 8: 16 reads, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.” We are children of our Heavenly Father. You are a either literally a Son or Daughter of God. Now, often people understand that but ignore what this also means. This means that we are all literally brothers and sister! That man walking down the street is your brother, your brother! Love your siblings…
There are times your brothers and sisters will hurt you. They will do something as small as saying a thoughtless word to deliberately hurting you. Some way or another your brothers and sisters will wound you.
The prophet Nephi was always being mistreated by his older brothers Laman and Lamuel. At one point they had just tied Nephi up and by the power of God he broke the bands that bounded him. His older brothers then became sorrowful for their actions. They pleaded for forgiveness. I love what Nephi did in 1 Nephi 7:21, “And it came to pass that I did frankly forgive them all that they had done.”
I would hope we could all be like Nephi and frankly forgive our brothers and sisters like Nephi forgave his brothers. Forgive right away and choose not to be angry.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thoughts from Down Under...
We change our desire to think, believe, and act against the will of our Heavenly Father.
We are sorry our desires of our heart went against the will of our Heavenly Father. We understand that God’s will and his commandments bring us true joy for oneself and for the world as a whole.
We gain a fresh view of God as a loving Heavenly Father that only has desires for our welfare. God is not a selfish tyrannical leader that wants us to do things for the sake of controlling us for His own pleasure. He gives us commandments to help us towards his goal of “bring[ing] to past the immortality (living forever) and eternal life (The way God lives) of man”(Moses 1:39).
When we repent we turn away from sin and resist any temptation to go against our Father’s loving will.
Repentance is continual, we fall short and sin. Jesus asks us to continually improve and continually soften our hearts, so that we can work towards being like him.
If we are baptized by one who holds proper authority, continue to repent and develop Christ like qualities, then we shall retain a remission of sins and we shall return to our Heavenly Father again.
We change our desire to think, believe, and act against the will of our Heavenly Father.
We are sorry our desires of our heart went against the will of our Heavenly Father. We understand that God’s will and his commandments bring us true joy for oneself and for the world as a whole.
We gain a fresh view of God as a loving Heavenly Father that only has desires for our welfare. God is not a selfish tyrannical leader that wants us to do things for the sake of controlling us for His own pleasure. He gives us commandments to help us towards his goal of “bring[ing] to past the immortality (living forever) and eternal life (The way God lives) of man”(Moses 1:39).
When we repent we turn away from sin and resist any temptation to go against our Father’s loving will.
Repentance is continual, we fall short and sin. Jesus asks us to continually improve and continually soften our hearts, so that we can work towards being like him.
If we are baptized by one who holds proper authority, continue to repent and develop Christ like qualities, then we shall retain a remission of sins and we shall return to our Heavenly Father again.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Fullness of Truth, One Day at a Time
Michael emailed this to me and asked me to post it. Enjoy....
I find that there are some people that want to know everything about the gospel, about their life, and about themselves right away. Give me everything now is the call of these impatient people.
Others know that we learn line upon line, precept upon precept. These people take what they have been given and slowly savor what they know and make new connections patiently.
Still, there are even those that know that they must learn line upon line, but become frustrated when they don’t seem to be growing and learning at the pace they have decided others are growing at around them.
It is important to know that everything goes according to “[God’s] own time, and in his own way, and according to his own will (D&C 88: 68).”
In a revelation given through the Prophet Joseph Smith at Kirtland, Ohio, in May of 1833, the Lord declared:
“Truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come; …
“The Spirit of truth is of God. … He [Jesus] received a fulness of truth …;
“And no man receiveth a fulness unless he keepeth his commandments.
“He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things.”
When we keep God’s commandments he blesses us. There are times God doesn’t answer right away, because we are not ready for the answer. I believe as we keep the commandments we are ready for His answers sooner then we would be if we don’t keep his commandments… We can’t learn line upon line if we aren’t following the first line.
I believe it is important to note that we will be continuing to grow our entire life. If we have a complete fullness in this life our faith would be destroyed. And we need to have faith and rely on Jesus Christ to have strength in this life.
We should continue to grow in this life and one day, through Jesus Christ we will be resurrected and receive a fullness of truth.
I find that there are some people that want to know everything about the gospel, about their life, and about themselves right away. Give me everything now is the call of these impatient people.
Others know that we learn line upon line, precept upon precept. These people take what they have been given and slowly savor what they know and make new connections patiently.
Still, there are even those that know that they must learn line upon line, but become frustrated when they don’t seem to be growing and learning at the pace they have decided others are growing at around them.
It is important to know that everything goes according to “[God’s] own time, and in his own way, and according to his own will (D&C 88: 68).”
In a revelation given through the Prophet Joseph Smith at Kirtland, Ohio, in May of 1833, the Lord declared:
“Truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come; …
“The Spirit of truth is of God. … He [Jesus] received a fulness of truth …;
“And no man receiveth a fulness unless he keepeth his commandments.
“He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things.”
When we keep God’s commandments he blesses us. There are times God doesn’t answer right away, because we are not ready for the answer. I believe as we keep the commandments we are ready for His answers sooner then we would be if we don’t keep his commandments… We can’t learn line upon line if we aren’t following the first line.
I believe it is important to note that we will be continuing to grow our entire life. If we have a complete fullness in this life our faith would be destroyed. And we need to have faith and rely on Jesus Christ to have strength in this life.
We should continue to grow in this life and one day, through Jesus Christ we will be resurrected and receive a fullness of truth.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Who do I love the most and why?
Every Monday I write an email to my Mission President. Sometimes he sends me questions to answer.
One day he asked me “who do you love the most and why?”
At first I was not sure. I wanted to be honest and ended up writing the following to my Mission President.
I love my God. Like anything love grows, my love for him has grown. The seed started with his word. I learned his commandments and as I follow them I’m happier. It’s the same with any advice, if you see the benefit, then you are thankful to the person that gave you the advice. You love them because they showed their love for you through advice. Then you notice his tender mercies in your life and your love for Him increases. Then you get to the point that your told in blessings that he loves you even beyond your understanding. You feel that love fill your body as those words are spoken by other. Then you eventually get on your knees and ask him if he loves you. This time it’s just you and your Heavenly Father. He lovingly answers yes.
Why? Because he loves me even though he knows of all my faults he still loves me.
One day he asked me “who do you love the most and why?”
At first I was not sure. I wanted to be honest and ended up writing the following to my Mission President.
I love my God. Like anything love grows, my love for him has grown. The seed started with his word. I learned his commandments and as I follow them I’m happier. It’s the same with any advice, if you see the benefit, then you are thankful to the person that gave you the advice. You love them because they showed their love for you through advice. Then you notice his tender mercies in your life and your love for Him increases. Then you get to the point that your told in blessings that he loves you even beyond your understanding. You feel that love fill your body as those words are spoken by other. Then you eventually get on your knees and ask him if he loves you. This time it’s just you and your Heavenly Father. He lovingly answers yes.
Why? Because he loves me even though he knows of all my faults he still loves me.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
We got transfer calls today. I’ll be in this area with Elder Murphy again for another transfer!! Woot Woot!
This week I went to Peter, Luke, and Carol’s house to teach them about the restoration with Elder Fukofuka. Elder Fukofuka were together because of exchanges. Only Peter was home out of the three when we arrived, which was nice because we got some good one on one time with him.
Peter has two main concerns; he thinks that God no longer calls prophets, and that the Book of Mormon is not of God. He believes that the Bible is the only word of God based on revelations 22:18, which reads, “if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.”
We tried to explain that John meant that man should not alter the words of God. This does not mean he does not speak more words through more prophets. This is evident in the fact that Revelations was not the last book written in the bible. Instead it was just placed last in the Bible. You know, all that jazz.
Well, Peter still was convinced, to him only the King James version of the bible is God’s words. So, we decided to help him come to know that God always calls prophets. We had him go get his Bible and turn with us to Amos chapter 3. We then read versus 1-6 to show that there is order to God’s creations and kingdom. Then we read versus 7 to show that God has always called prophets and will continue to do so.
While reading all three of us noticed that there were differences between our Bible and his Bible. Turns out his that version of the Bible wasn’t even the King James version of the Bible. We than help him understand that that was exactly what John had been warning about. He warned against those that would change his words for the wisdom of men.
We then had a sweet time of helping him recognize the spirit and asked him to pray about some things… I loved the irony of it all. =)
I’m pretty sure I’m going to live in Idaho when I’m done with college and whatnot. I like the look of the State and I like the people there. In fact I’ve met so many elders from Idaho here. I guess Australia needs people from Idaho and people that are from Idaho in heart. I’ll certainly have a good network of Idaho people by the time I return.
I’m already getting a little sick of the EFY music we listen to, but there is hope. Our new Mission President is truly thinking of extending our music library. I hope he allows Disney music… Okay, I must admit that I do enjoy the EFY song “shine the light” and a few others.
I might write more in a bit.
love you,
elder kelm
This week I went to Peter, Luke, and Carol’s house to teach them about the restoration with Elder Fukofuka. Elder Fukofuka were together because of exchanges. Only Peter was home out of the three when we arrived, which was nice because we got some good one on one time with him.
Peter has two main concerns; he thinks that God no longer calls prophets, and that the Book of Mormon is not of God. He believes that the Bible is the only word of God based on revelations 22:18, which reads, “if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.”
We tried to explain that John meant that man should not alter the words of God. This does not mean he does not speak more words through more prophets. This is evident in the fact that Revelations was not the last book written in the bible. Instead it was just placed last in the Bible. You know, all that jazz.
Well, Peter still was convinced, to him only the King James version of the bible is God’s words. So, we decided to help him come to know that God always calls prophets. We had him go get his Bible and turn with us to Amos chapter 3. We then read versus 1-6 to show that there is order to God’s creations and kingdom. Then we read versus 7 to show that God has always called prophets and will continue to do so.
While reading all three of us noticed that there were differences between our Bible and his Bible. Turns out his that version of the Bible wasn’t even the King James version of the Bible. We than help him understand that that was exactly what John had been warning about. He warned against those that would change his words for the wisdom of men.
We then had a sweet time of helping him recognize the spirit and asked him to pray about some things… I loved the irony of it all. =)
I’m pretty sure I’m going to live in Idaho when I’m done with college and whatnot. I like the look of the State and I like the people there. In fact I’ve met so many elders from Idaho here. I guess Australia needs people from Idaho and people that are from Idaho in heart. I’ll certainly have a good network of Idaho people by the time I return.
I’m already getting a little sick of the EFY music we listen to, but there is hope. Our new Mission President is truly thinking of extending our music library. I hope he allows Disney music… Okay, I must admit that I do enjoy the EFY song “shine the light” and a few others.
I might write more in a bit.
love you,
elder kelm
Sunday, July 5, 2009
First Letter from Australia
Well, the trip was way long and they gave us meals based on Australian time, so it was weird to be woken up at 1:30 to eat chicken. Speaking of the time different I think we're 17 and a half hour ahead of ya'll. The half hour difference is way weird.
When I finally arrived in Adelaide I got off the plane and right there was President Quinn, his wife, and the APs. I didn’t know that the security was less serious in Australia. I didn’t know they could meet me at the gate, no worries though. While making our way to my bags I learned that this was President Quinn’s last day as President of the Adelaide mission and that the new mission president would be coming in later that evening, which makes me wonder why I didn’t just fly with him.
From the airport we drove to the mission office, there I had the privilege of being the last missionary President Quinn had a first interview with. From that interview and all that I’ve learned this last week I know that he is a great man. Yeah, I don’t really know how to explain. He just is truly a man that is lead by the spirit.
After the interview I met my companion Elder Murphy and a group of us when out for lunch, there we had some famous Adelaide pie floater. It’s a type of thick vegetable soup with a meat pie in the middle of it. You put tomato sauce (ketchup) on it and the eat it. It’s sweet as* (Australian phrase).
Then I filled out paperwork, got my bike, bedding, and my Australian drivers licence. After all that was finished we finally drove down to my area Hackham west. Hackham west is a rather poor area in Adelaide. You’ll see kids as young as twelve smoking, hear stories of violence, and see graffiti all over. Also in our area is a more middle class area, this area is so beautiful. I love the small homes and every yard is well kept. Adelaide is beautiful… At the edge of our area there are sheep fields that are so green. I really need to get ya’ll some pictures.
Anyway, we arrived at our flat and quickly dropped off my suitcases. Then we got our bikes (yep, I’m in one of the few areas that don’t have cars in Adelaide, which will help my exercise.) and made our to the Lister house, an older couple that were working with. They were less active and are now doing pretty well; they are working toward being sealed in the temple. Great people, but they’re a bit of a pack rats.
After visiting them and teaching them we went to dinner with two Elder’s, Elder Sevy and Elder Knotson in an area next to ours that have a car. =) We ate at Hungry Jacks, which is basically a Burger King or at least it’s the same company and look. Both of the Elders are legends*. Elder Sevy in particular blows my mind.
After eating we taught a Book of Mormon class at the church for new investigator, new members, and less active members. Elder Sevy taught and he was sweet as*.
Then we finally made it back to the flat, planned the next day, and went to bed. Keep in mind that I was dead tired for the time difference.
My companion Elder Murphy is a good hard working missionary. He follows all the rules and knows how to plan. He knows area so well and he teaches by the spirit. He’s from Idaho and has been out 7 months. He’s starting to gain weight, and has a bit of a belly now. This is because he doesn’t like to exercise in the morning and because he was in Elisabeth for one transfer. In Elisabeth the members feed you tons and basically force you to eat all they give you, scary stuff.
Its sad how many less active people there are in this area. That’s basically what task we’ve been given, to help reactivate the less active and get the members involve. We’re also teaching investigators to be sure, but a lot of the work is with less actives.
I’ve had vegemite and am not a fan, but it’s part of the Australian experience.
On the fourth of July we had a Tea date* with the Fekners. Ann is the only member of that family and we’re working on teaching her husband and children. While at the Tea date they cooked us hot dogs and ribs to make us feel at home. We had America flags, sang American songs, and even lit sparklers. Good times.
I’ve got so much to learn, about the geography of my area so that I can get around, about the scriptures so I can use them while teaching, and so much more. It’s a little overwhelming at times. At least I have a lot of direction from my companion Elder Murphy, Elder Sevy, and the spirit.
I love Australia heaps* and heaps.
Love you all,
Elder Kelm
When I finally arrived in Adelaide I got off the plane and right there was President Quinn, his wife, and the APs. I didn’t know that the security was less serious in Australia. I didn’t know they could meet me at the gate, no worries though. While making our way to my bags I learned that this was President Quinn’s last day as President of the Adelaide mission and that the new mission president would be coming in later that evening, which makes me wonder why I didn’t just fly with him.
From the airport we drove to the mission office, there I had the privilege of being the last missionary President Quinn had a first interview with. From that interview and all that I’ve learned this last week I know that he is a great man. Yeah, I don’t really know how to explain. He just is truly a man that is lead by the spirit.
After the interview I met my companion Elder Murphy and a group of us when out for lunch, there we had some famous Adelaide pie floater. It’s a type of thick vegetable soup with a meat pie in the middle of it. You put tomato sauce (ketchup) on it and the eat it. It’s sweet as* (Australian phrase).
Then I filled out paperwork, got my bike, bedding, and my Australian drivers licence. After all that was finished we finally drove down to my area Hackham west. Hackham west is a rather poor area in Adelaide. You’ll see kids as young as twelve smoking, hear stories of violence, and see graffiti all over. Also in our area is a more middle class area, this area is so beautiful. I love the small homes and every yard is well kept. Adelaide is beautiful… At the edge of our area there are sheep fields that are so green. I really need to get ya’ll some pictures.
Anyway, we arrived at our flat and quickly dropped off my suitcases. Then we got our bikes (yep, I’m in one of the few areas that don’t have cars in Adelaide, which will help my exercise.) and made our to the Lister house, an older couple that were working with. They were less active and are now doing pretty well; they are working toward being sealed in the temple. Great people, but they’re a bit of a pack rats.
After visiting them and teaching them we went to dinner with two Elder’s, Elder Sevy and Elder Knotson in an area next to ours that have a car. =) We ate at Hungry Jacks, which is basically a Burger King or at least it’s the same company and look. Both of the Elders are legends*. Elder Sevy in particular blows my mind.
After eating we taught a Book of Mormon class at the church for new investigator, new members, and less active members. Elder Sevy taught and he was sweet as*.
Then we finally made it back to the flat, planned the next day, and went to bed. Keep in mind that I was dead tired for the time difference.
My companion Elder Murphy is a good hard working missionary. He follows all the rules and knows how to plan. He knows area so well and he teaches by the spirit. He’s from Idaho and has been out 7 months. He’s starting to gain weight, and has a bit of a belly now. This is because he doesn’t like to exercise in the morning and because he was in Elisabeth for one transfer. In Elisabeth the members feed you tons and basically force you to eat all they give you, scary stuff.
Its sad how many less active people there are in this area. That’s basically what task we’ve been given, to help reactivate the less active and get the members involve. We’re also teaching investigators to be sure, but a lot of the work is with less actives.
I’ve had vegemite and am not a fan, but it’s part of the Australian experience.
On the fourth of July we had a Tea date* with the Fekners. Ann is the only member of that family and we’re working on teaching her husband and children. While at the Tea date they cooked us hot dogs and ribs to make us feel at home. We had America flags, sang American songs, and even lit sparklers. Good times.
I’ve got so much to learn, about the geography of my area so that I can get around, about the scriptures so I can use them while teaching, and so much more. It’s a little overwhelming at times. At least I have a lot of direction from my companion Elder Murphy, Elder Sevy, and the spirit.
I love Australia heaps* and heaps.
Love you all,
Elder Kelm
Friday, June 12, 2009
Stuck at the MTC another week...
A group of Elder's have not recieved their VISA's yet. On Monday all of them are going out to other state side missions while they wait on their VISA's and then go to their foreign missions. All of them except Michael. They forgot to put him on that list and so he will have to wait at the MTC for an extra week before he gets to go out to another mission while he waits for his VISA. He called tonight to tell us. I almost didn't answer the phone- the caller ID said "No Data". When I answered it I heard- you are lucky Tamara! I was so confused, I though telemarketer...but wait, how did a telemarketer know my name? It was Michael! I'm glad I didn't hang up. He said to tell everyone hello. Just when he called Devin started to chat on Skype with my parents in Brasil. We put Michael on speaker and they kinda talked but got disconnected. Michael did get to tell his mom- I love you!
He asked me to tell everyone. I add since a missionary probably hates nothing more than being stuck at the MTC, that if you feel so inclined, send him a written letter or package to the MTC. Let me know if you need the address.
A group of Elder's have not recieved their VISA's yet. On Monday all of them are going out to other state side missions while they wait on their VISA's and then go to their foreign missions. All of them except Michael. They forgot to put him on that list and so he will have to wait at the MTC for an extra week before he gets to go out to another mission while he waits for his VISA. He called tonight to tell us. I almost didn't answer the phone- the caller ID said "No Data". When I answered it I heard- you are lucky Tamara! I was so confused, I though telemarketer...but wait, how did a telemarketer know my name? It was Michael! I'm glad I didn't hang up. He said to tell everyone hello. Just when he called Devin started to chat on Skype with my parents in Brasil. We put Michael on speaker and they kinda talked but got disconnected. Michael did get to tell his mom- I love you!
He asked me to tell everyone. I add since a missionary probably hates nothing more than being stuck at the MTC, that if you feel so inclined, send him a written letter or package to the MTC. Let me know if you need the address.
Monday, June 8, 2009
You know you're a missionary in the MTC when...
You Know You're A Missionary At the MTC When...
1.) ...it's 8:30 and you think its getting late
2.) ...mailed homemade cookies arrive in the mail crushed into pieces
3.) ...you constantly wish you had more time for personal study, companion study, and role playing.
4.) ...you get excited about a scripture you've found and just have to tell your companion
5.) ...you end the night still discussing the gospel with your companion and your roommates, and are still enjoying it.
6.)...the singing in sacrament meeting is rather quiet when a good portion of the Elders and Sisters are singing the song.
7.) ...when your roommate got the swine flu!
1.) ...it's 8:30 and you think its getting late
2.) ...mailed homemade cookies arrive in the mail crushed into pieces
3.) ...you constantly wish you had more time for personal study, companion study, and role playing.
4.) ...you get excited about a scripture you've found and just have to tell your companion
5.) ...you end the night still discussing the gospel with your companion and your roommates, and are still enjoying it.
6.)...the singing in sacrament meeting is rather quiet when a good portion of the Elders and Sisters are singing the song.
7.) ...when your roommate got the swine flu!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Car Crash
Well, I got into a car crash today. It was raining hard and Devin was driving me to work. We were about to go through the light on the intersection of Parmer and Lamar. We were on the far left lane and before the light a new lane starts on the left that is a turning lane. Devin pushed the brakes a little and we hydroplaned into the left turning lane. Devin said, "it won't stop, I can't turn! Boom! We hit the red truck in front of us and they hit a car that hit another car. Our truck was totaled and the truck in front of us was too. Luckily nobody was seriously injured. My head aches a little and I'm sure I'll feel it more tomorrow. Scary stuff.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Being a Cow
Once you’ve taken on the mask of a cow you gain some empathy… empathy for mascots, because the Chick-fil-a cow suit I was in for over an hour was way hot. I was sweating more then even would at in the cardio movie room in the gym.
At first it was kind of awkward because there weren’t a lot of people in the store to greet, silently, and once I did that I had nothing to do. After a bit of that I decided to try walking through the drive through and wave to all the people there. Big mistake. Remember, I live in Texas and although it wasn’t as bad as it can get the heat was still pretty bad. I ended up even hotter and with only a few waves from others in return to show for it.
When I entered the store again there were four little kids and their mother that absolutely loved me… or I guess the cow. ^_^ I gave them tons of high fives and hugs, which isn’t something I really ever go around doing, so I kind of had to ignore my bubble. As the cow though it was easier.
Then I took pictures with the family and a couple others. Sadly though, I forgot to bring my camera like I had planned and don’t have a picture for you guys. Oh well, it’s just a cow suit.
At first it was kind of awkward because there weren’t a lot of people in the store to greet, silently, and once I did that I had nothing to do. After a bit of that I decided to try walking through the drive through and wave to all the people there. Big mistake. Remember, I live in Texas and although it wasn’t as bad as it can get the heat was still pretty bad. I ended up even hotter and with only a few waves from others in return to show for it.
When I entered the store again there were four little kids and their mother that absolutely loved me… or I guess the cow. ^_^ I gave them tons of high fives and hugs, which isn’t something I really ever go around doing, so I kind of had to ignore my bubble. As the cow though it was easier.
Then I took pictures with the family and a couple others. Sadly though, I forgot to bring my camera like I had planned and don’t have a picture for you guys. Oh well, it’s just a cow suit.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Calm before the storm... the happy storm. =p
It’s great when things just turn out right. Last week I arrived home on Monday. The next day I drove down to Chick-fil-a to pick up a job application and had a nice chat with my old boss. Later that day I turned in the application and drove over to some store to help my mom stock cards. While stocking I got a call from Chick-fil-a asking me if I could come in the next day and start work. So, by Wednesday I got my old job back, which is nice because I’ll only be in town for five weeks before I head off to the MTC in Provo. Not to mention the hard economic times were in right now. I got really lucky.
As of now I’m just passing the time and counting the days until I enter the MTC. Now, I’m not just spending all of my time working. I’ve been reading the Book of Mormon and plan on finishing it and the New Testament before I leave. I also plan on reading all of the discussions in Preach My Gospel and becoming very familiar with it. For leisure I’m watching the series of Lost and playing the Tales of Symphonia for the Wii.
Oh, I have 35 days left as of now. ^_^
As of now I’m just passing the time and counting the days until I enter the MTC. Now, I’m not just spending all of my time working. I’ve been reading the Book of Mormon and plan on finishing it and the New Testament before I leave. I also plan on reading all of the discussions in Preach My Gospel and becoming very familiar with it. For leisure I’m watching the series of Lost and playing the Tales of Symphonia for the Wii.
Oh, I have 35 days left as of now. ^_^
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
It looks like I can now say that I have a full year of college under my belt. One fourth of my college time has already gone by. It amazes me that so much of it is already over and yet I really haven’t started on my major. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to hit the ground running when I get off my mission.
Really though, my concern isn’t about what happens after my mission, that’d be lame. As of now I’m super excited to go on my mission. I just want this next month and a half to fly by, because nothing in between now and my mission is really all that important. Well, not exactly nothing. I guess it’ll be good for me to have some time to prepare some more for my mission. But still!! I wanna go. =p
Really though, my concern isn’t about what happens after my mission, that’d be lame. As of now I’m super excited to go on my mission. I just want this next month and a half to fly by, because nothing in between now and my mission is really all that important. Well, not exactly nothing. I guess it’ll be good for me to have some time to prepare some more for my mission. But still!! I wanna go. =p
Friday, April 3, 2009
I love the fact that it'll be winter when I go down to Australia. I'll have just finished up one winter and start up another, but the Australian Winter will be much different. No snow, but plenty of rain, so I'm sure going to miss seeing snow like the fresh snow that is falling today. The crunch of it under my feet is still novel to me and I still enjoy how quiet it gets.
Now, when my mission comes to a close I'll have just finished the summer season in Australia, and will be heading back to an Austin Summer, I think. So, I guess its endless cold followed by endless heat for this guy.
Now, when my mission comes to a close I'll have just finished the summer season in Australia, and will be heading back to an Austin Summer, I think. So, I guess its endless cold followed by endless heat for this guy.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Australia Adelaide Mission (AAM)

Well, it certainly doesn’t seem right for me not to have written anything about my mission call on my blog, so I’ll have to rectify this inequity. Friday the 13th (oOo) of February I got a call around 10:30am from the head resident telling me that my mission papers had just arrived, and, despite the fact that I was in the library, I loudly told her that I’d be right over. Once I received my papers I ran up to my dorm and locked the door, because I wanted to open my papers alone. I then propped my camera on my chair, said a prayer, turned on the camera, and started to open my papers.
Beforehand I had decided I wanted to read the paper word for word and slowly make my way to the location I would be serving, so I used one piece of paper to cover up the lines. This only cover the paper vertically, so I ended up reading the word Australia before I even got there. Anyway, it was humorous when I got to the name of my mission because I didn’t know how to pronounce Adelaide. I’ll post the video up soon enough.
According to the Adelaide mission site “the mission is mostly focused on the Adelaide city and country areas surrounding it (about 3 hours drive each way)” and that makes up about “90% of the mission”. So, despite the AAM’s immense size I’ll probably don’t have that great of a chance going into the heart of Australia.
Um, more facts I guess. 90 Elders are currently serving in the AAM. General Conferences are held in Australia one month AFTER they're held in America… When I leave from Salt Lake it’ll arrive 2 days later than when I left and I’ll be way tired. Um, so I thought I’d just say a little about where I’m going. I can’t wait!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I wanna know
My papers still haven’t arrived and I’m getting more anxious to see where I’ll be serving for two years. For goodness sakes I almost feel like a little kid the eve before Christmas. I had trouble quieting my thoughts down enough to fall asleep last night, which is what used to happen around birthdays and Christmas time when I was a kid. Then I go throughout today and the time mail arrives comes and goes and I don’t get a call from my head resident. Oh well, it’ll come soon enough.
Friday, February 6, 2009
I’ve didn’t watch many horror films before I came to college and now it’s become a fun thing to do with my dorm friends during the weekend. Often we’ll make the experience even better by ordering four medium sixed pizzas that come relatively cheap due to some special. Then we’ll pop some popcorn, get some drinks and settle down to a movie most of my friends have seen, but I haven’t. And on occasion we’ll finish around 1:00am or 2:00am and decided to watch another one, because the first reminded one of my friends of another good movie.
I can’t say really love horror and it’s not all we watch, but I think it’s nice to have been able to delve into the genre a little. That and it’s totally a good guys experience in the dorms, in college.
I can’t say really love horror and it’s not all we watch, but I think it’s nice to have been able to delve into the genre a little. That and it’s totally a good guys experience in the dorms, in college.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Beginning of semester two
It isn't quite the same this semester as it was last semester. For one the weather is much colder and snow abounds. For another I miss many of my Fall semester friends that aren't here this semester. Our group of eight guys has shrunken down to four. And it is more like three when Colin spends all his time in classes, studying, and visiting tons of girls. Oh well, more power to him. =) oh, how rude of me. Nate's friend is here this semester and is his roommate. He's pretty cool and he's incorporated into the group. But still it feels small in comparison to last semester.
This isn't a bad semester though. I've gotten a fairly good start on much harder classes and the snow does add a new element of fun. When the snow is good Nate, Tyler, Chris (Nate's roommate), and I go snow skating and sledding. I'll never be good at snow skating and neither will my friends, but it is rather enjoyable to try. Here's hoping I don't break my leg the semester.
Emily is also here this semester and she is in my Book of Mormon class, which is fairly entertaining. And after class I get to walk her to her next class, which I do enjoy. We also have started to workout at the gym together and have gone on several double dates with the help of her roommate Amy. But finding date ideas here in Rexburg is very difficult, especially when you have no access to a car.
Anyway, I'll try to post more blogs more often.
This isn't a bad semester though. I've gotten a fairly good start on much harder classes and the snow does add a new element of fun. When the snow is good Nate, Tyler, Chris (Nate's roommate), and I go snow skating and sledding. I'll never be good at snow skating and neither will my friends, but it is rather enjoyable to try. Here's hoping I don't break my leg the semester.
Emily is also here this semester and she is in my Book of Mormon class, which is fairly entertaining. And after class I get to walk her to her next class, which I do enjoy. We also have started to workout at the gym together and have gone on several double dates with the help of her roommate Amy. But finding date ideas here in Rexburg is very difficult, especially when you have no access to a car.
Anyway, I'll try to post more blogs more often.
Friday, January 2, 2009
facial hair
Since I can't have facial hair at BYU-I and I'll be going on my mission after that I decided to grow mine out for a week. I know it isn't much and I didn't let it grow for very long, but I thought I should at least take some pictures of the results.
It seems like my hair grows like my dad's. I have patches of hair that really doesn't grow and it's the same with dad's. Oh well, it's not like I would ever seriously want facial hair.
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