Tuesday, December 29, 2009


A covenant is a sacred promise man makes with God and in which God makes promises of Blessings. The difference between a promise between a man and a man, and a promise between man and God is that God sets the terms. He chooses what we promise him and he chooses what he promises us. Just like a good parent sets the terms for reward with a child, so does God set the terms for us.

Covenants are not there for God to control us for the sake of His own ego, God is not self-centered. God gives us covenants to safeguard us from what can really damage us. Covenants are the way by which we can return to live with Him.

How do we enter into a covenant with God? In order to make a covenant with God you must preform a sacred ordinance by one that holds authority from God. An ordinance is a symbolic act in which you make those covenants with God.

Why does one have to hold authority from God? Let us reflect on the way God organized the worship in the tabernacle during the times of Moses. There are twelve tribes of Israel. The tribe of Levi had the authority from God to preform all the sacrifical rites that symbolized the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This authority is called the Priesthood, the Authority to act in Gods name.

This authority is not taken upon men of their own accord. It says in Hebrews 5: 4 "And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron". Even when Jesus ordained his apostles he made it clear in John 15: 16 "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you".

To get into the Kingdom of Heaven we must all first believe in Jesus Christ. Have Faith in him and desire to follow him. When we desire to follow him we will repent of our sins, our breaking of God's commandments. Once we do that we will be willing are ready to be Baptized by someone with Authority from God, which is a sacred ordinance in which we make covenants to follow Jesus Christ and leave our old life of sin.

That is not all, we must the receive the Holy Ghost from one that has authority from God. The Holy Ghost is a gift from God that will guide us as we are righteous... Then we endure to the end of our life, continuing to grow.

God restored his Authority, his Priesthood, on the earth again. It was lost after the twelve apostles where killed and has been restored by the prophet Joseph Smith. Today Jesus Christ's true church is on the earth again. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints..

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