Sunday, December 13, 2009


Message brought to you from Down Under, posted by his sister...

My friend once wrote that "righteous men uphold their promises". Back in a time when the world was more civilized men use to make deals not with paper, but with a simple handshake. There was a sense of honor back then that does not exist today.

Far to often in our day people do not commit to anything, any Idea, or anyone. Instead of men giving their whole heart and means to the woman they cherish, and to God through Marriage, men will far to often leave a cowardly back door with which they can easily run away. This backdoor is found in partnerships. Animals have partners, we are not Animals, we are Sons and Daughters of God. These men and women in these relationships have no true loyalty, no true respect, and are filled with selfishness.

I feel like Nephi when he cried, "if my days could have been in those days, then would my soul, then would my soul have joy in the righteousness of my brethern" (Helaman 7:8). But like Nephi I do not like in days of honor and commitment. Still I can be like Nephi and be in the world, but not of the world. I will do my best to keep my promises and commitments.

I hope we can all be serious in our promises.

Love you all,
Elder Kelm.

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