The following are some of my favorite scriptures. I pieced this chain together during my morning scripture study in Mt. Gambier. They teach the great lesson of who I am, what my purpose on earth is and what my potential is. I just wanted to get the thoughts down on paper. I doubt I'll edit it this first time around, my apologies.
What is the difference?
They sound the same, don't they?
Immortality is to live forever with a perfect body.
To understand what eternal life is one must first understand that eternal can also be used as a title for our Heavenly Father. (D&C 19)
With that in mind read John 17:3, Mosiah 5:13 and Romans 8:16-17 below. Then think about what eternal life or life eternal means for us.
John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
Mosiah 5:13 For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?
Romans 8:16-17
16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
I love these scriptures. For me they lay out who I am and give me a eternal prospective of what I can become. In John 17:3 I would ask an investigator how they would go about knowing and understanding, truly understanding another culture. I believe we can best know another by doing the things that they do. If we wants to learn about the Maori people of New Zealand one needs to spend time with them, learn how to do the Hakka. Try to see things from their perspective. I would apply this knowing to our Savior. We need to strive to rely on our savior and his atoning sacrifice. We would need to keep God's commandments and I promise that as you do so you will "know of the doctrine," that it is true. (John 7:17) You will know and become more and more like the father. You will grow grace from grace. You will become more like him through the Holy Ghost more then you could ever come to know another culture, because the Holy Ghost will carry you further then you can go on your own.
In Mosiah 5:13 I feel this principle of how to know our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ by doing is stated again as another witness.
Roman 8:16-17 teaches us our identity. That we can gain a witness for ourselves that we are the children of God. I know for myself that I am a spiritual child of God and that he loves me beyond my understanding. I know we all lived with him before we came to earth. In verse 17 we are reminded that we are heir of God. That we can become like our Heavenly Father through Christ. That we can to have children and help bring to pass their immortality and eternal life. We do not destroy or replace God, we join him in His work. Like a son can one day become like his father and have a family of his home. God uplifts and that is what we too must do to become like him. We lift other up and growth with them forever.